" Partner together with us to plant 500 churches across Cambodia" GENESIS 12:2 " I WILL BLESS YOU.. YOU WILL BE THE BLESSING TO OTHERS" Most village churches will be limited in the number of people the reach and ministries they provide. Most village churches’ vision is limited to their located and are limited by the leadership level of their pastor. A City Church is larger by it’s nature and has the potential to have more influence. The strategy for the City Churches is to be a “hub” and resource for the village churches in its area. New Life Fellowship of Churches is a fellowship of more than 300 churches currently in Cambodia. We are a family of churches and relate to one another as a family. We have Apostolic Leaders and Teams who work among our self-governing local churches. We have been in Cambodia since 1994. Our focus is evangelism, discipleship, leadership training, releasing into ministry and church planting. Village churches will be pastored by bi-vocational pastors. The pastor has land, usually a farm or rice field and family nearby. However, a City Church is like starting up a business. The pastor and his family usually move to the city and have no land, house or farm. We do expect our City Church Pastors to eventually be supported by the church and to have a secondary job to provide income for his family. Also, our target is youth and young adults. This demographic usually doesn’t have much money. Therefore, like any business, the City Church will take a few years to be self-supporting. One of the biggest needs for self-support will be land and a building. If the city church must continue to rent facilities it is unsustainable. And the congregation of City Churches are a long way off from being able to purchase their own land and building. In the immediate term, funds will be used to launch the City Church and will primarily be used to cover rent & salaries for staff” The other need is ministry money. Although the local church receives offerings from their church members, the offering is not enough to support the church ministries and staff. It’s been our experience that all of our City Churches grow. As we do the work of the ministry the Lord adds. Finances are needed for staff and ministry activities, as well as material needs for the ministries. Annual cost of each existing City Church is $ 2,5000.00 USD/ a year.