" Reaching out to the youth in our city and community by providing a place where they find belonging, where they can be creative, and where they can care for one another "
Connect, Create & Care
At New Life Fellowship, our Youth Ministry focuses on the spiritual development and growth of the young people in our church. Our goal is to see three things happen in our youth ministry: Connect, Create & Care.
Connect: We want to see our youth ministry become a place where the youth belong. As a result, we value every person who comes, male and female, believer and non-believer alike, to become connected both with the ministry and with God. We want them to have a genuinely personal relationship with God, as well as with others in the ministry, including both leaders and fellow members.
Create: We also want creativity to be featured in our youth ministry, drawing new guests weekly as we reach out to our community youth, by offering both fun and new events attractive to young people.
Care: We will also see the youth connected to meaningful relationships with people who will care for them as they deal with the vicissitudes of life. In addition, we also will give them the means necessary to assist people who are going through difficult situations and problems. They, in turn, will become the people who will help to bear one another’s burdens.
In summary, the youth ministry exists to build young leaders who will have strong spiritual foundations as they move into the transitional, formative years of their lives. As they continue as key members of New Life, they will become the next generation of young families, business leaders, pastoral leaders, and ministry leaders and they will begin to lead and shape the church as we continue to move into the future and all that God has prepared for our church.
The focus of our youth ministry is to reach youth who are in secondary school, high school, and college (ages 13-23).
The annual cost of Youth Ministry: is $ 4,500 USD