New Life Fellowship Cambodia

City Reach

North Campus

New Life Fellowship Cambodia planted a NLF North Campus in 2009. Over the last fifteen years, we’ve been involved in a variety of ministries to open doors for the gospel in the Toul Sangke area, including our Community Center, which offers free English and Khmer classes as well as computer classes. Every day from Monday to Friday, around 200 students come to study. Many students have come to know Christ through these activities.

New Life Fellowship’s North Campus began in a tiny rental apartment with 50 members, but by God’s grace, we now have a large rental facility that can accommodate 300 people. North Campus currently has around 200 members who attend our two Sunday services every Sunday morning.

We have events and ministries similar to the main campus, such as New Generation Youth, Children’s Ministries, Dynamic Service, Worship, Discipleship, and Cell and Equipping Ministries with the same goals and objectives. 

Expand the Kingdom of God to the North of Phnom Penh​  –  a region with over 700,000 people


New Life Fellowship of Churches Cambodia is a growing, passionate movement of churches that has a clear goal to plant at least 500 churches in 5 years.  In Phnom Penh, we have the largest single congregation in Cambodia. Part of the vision of our Phnom Penh Church is to plant campuses throughout the city in strategic locations.  Our offices and largest campus are in the south of the city.  Our Toul Sanke Campus is in the far north of the city.  In the future, we expect to plant at least 2 more campuses.

The Toul Sanke Campus is situated in an area of the city populated with business people, apartments a high school, and several primary schools.  There are also up to as many as 100,000 garment factory workers in the area as well.  The campus is currently reaching about 450 people – about 60% youth in the following way:

  • Sunday Evening Church Service:  170  in attendance
  • Sunday Morning Neighborhood Children’s Ministry: 125
  • Sunday Evening Children’s Ministry:  30
  • Saturday Night Youth Outreach:  170
  • Monday – Friday English and Computer Classes:  200

The 2023 Budget for the campus is $80,200 USD. 

A summary of our goals for 2023 is as follows:

  • Sunday Evening Church Meeting: 300
  • Sunday Morning Children’s Ministry:150
  • Sunday Evening Children’s Ministry: 40
  • Saturday Night Youth Outreach: 300
  • Monday – Friday English and Computer Classes:225

In the following pages, you will see a more detailed breakdown and explanation of our Key Ministries that will lead us to reach the people of the Toul Sanke Area effectively.

We are inviting you to consider sponsoring all or part of this budget for one, two, or three years.

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Donation Total: $100

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