New Life Fellowship Cambodia


One Man’s miraculous recovery

Today, our evangelist team has a great story to share with all of us. They recently went out to a remote village in Kratie province. Despite the long distance, and the condition of the village road, they managed to access this area and meet a family whose teenage son was in his wheelchair following a serious accident a year ago.

Mr. Chetra, about 21, lives in Ajen village, Kratie , and had a motor accident last year. He was in hospital for almost three months. He then was discharged unrecovered because his family could no longer afford to keep him there. His dream fading away, he did nothing, and sat idly in his wheelchair. Then, he experienced a life changing miracle following the visit of an evangelical team who prayed for him. Hope now blossomed anew with Chetra acceptance of Jesus Christ. He began to move, then walked, and his optimism for his future grew rapidly. He is now a man fully optimistic about his future.

Mark 9:23 ‘If you can, said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.”

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