City Churches
Most village churches will be limited in the number of people they reach and the ministries they provide. Most village churches’ vision is limited to their located and is limited
New Life Fellowship Cambodia was planted by missionary Eric Dooley in 1994 and handed over to Pastor Chuck McCaul in 1997. Until 1999, when the war in Cambodia ended, no evangelistic activities were encouraged outside Phnom Penh. New Life in Phnom Penh initially grew through students and younger Cambodians. Many of the current leaders at the church are from this original movement. Pastor Jesse McCaul succeeded his father as Senior Pastor for the Phnom Penh church in 2004. NLF is now embarking on a very exciting journey with Ps Samdy Leang as Lead Pastor. Today, New Life is a thriving life-giving church in Phnom Penh with over 300 church plants throughout Cambodia, we have the vision to change the nation in our generation. The vision of New Life Fellowship Cambodia is to plant New Testament Churches that will have a positive influence on every sector of Cambodian society. Each church will be a model and resource center for planting churches with the same philosophy and foundation throughout Cambodia and in other nations. Our strategies:
In addition, New Life Fellowship of Churches’ focus will be a continual push to plant new churches among 300 existing churches and provide leadership, pastoral, and life-skills training through the School of Leaders. School of Leaders is a monthly intensive Bible training school for provincial and village pastors and leaders. The Phnom Penh-based leaders have been commissioned to equip and empower regional coordinators.
Most village churches will be limited in the number of people they reach and the ministries they provide. Most village churches’ vision is limited to their located and is limited
Crusades are a type of outreach in which we bring great New Life Fellowship evangelists and volunteers to conduct evangelistic events at different villages outside of the capital city, Phnom
School of Church Planters will help every pastor and leader to develop their capacity in managing the church to reach their top potential and also to increase the pastor and
School of Leaders is a monthly Bible training school for provincial and village pastors and leaders. We gather together once a month to learn, discuss and apply a chosen subject.
We are committed to bringing needed resources and training to empower provincial children ministers so that they can be more creatively effective with their ministries in their own communities. Due
Worship is one of the ways that people can come close to God. We thank God that we have a great worship team in the Capital city. However, we want